Ryan Mekenian
Screenwriter/Director + Producer

Ryan Mekenian (he/him) is an Armenian writer/director and producer based in Tongva territory, his hometown, LA. He is a graduate with an MFA from USC and a BFA from NYU. 

His film, Spokespeople, a short documentary that delves into the campaign to make LA more bicycle friendly, won awards at the Rhode Island International Film Festival, Annapolis Film Festival, & Bolton Film Festival, and screened at nearly 50 festivals worldwide including American Pavilion’s Emerging Filmmaker Showcase at the Cannes Film Festival.

Ryan’s feature screenplay, The Man in the Flying Lawn Chair, was a 2022 Academy Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting quarterfinalist and won distinctions at the Austin Film Festival, Page International Screenwriting Awards, & Rhode Island International Film Festival.

At the heart of his filmmaking lies a fascination with individuals who challenge societal norms, confront personal demons, and ultimately discover their true purpose. His films delve into the complexities of human nature, exploring themes of obsession, redemption, identity, and the pursuit of justice. He is drawn to true stories illuminating hidden facets of history and exposing the raw underbelly of personal and political ambition.

He is a 2023 California Arts Council Arts Fellow. 

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